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Timo Soini
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- Oversees their implementation of the convention in the member states.

- Individuals can bring complaints of human rights violations to the Strasbourg court once all possibilities of appeal have been exhausted in their country. If they win their case then the court can sanction governments rewarding damages against the state and demanding it improves its laws and practices.


Guido Raimondi

The future structure of the Council of Europe was discussed at a specific congress of several hundred leading politicians, government representatives and civil society in The Hague, Netherlands, in 1948. There were two schools of thought competing: some favored a classical international organization with representatives of governments, while others preferred a political forum with parliamentarians. Both approaches were finally combined through the creation of a Committee of Ministers (in which governments were represented) and a Consultative Assembly (in which parliaments were represented), the two main bodies mentioned in the Statute of the Council of Europe

Guardians of human rights, democracy and the rule of law

Parliament assembly 

- Composed of members of the national parliaments of each member state. 

- They discuss topic issues and asks European governments to take initiatives. Also here is elected the secretary who has the responsibility of the management of the organization 


Committee of ministers

- It is the governing body of the Council of Europe -> 47 states discuses priorities for decisions and actions​

- Relies on the Parliamentary assembly for advice. Through its recommendations, the assembly demands action on behalf of the 820 million people it represents.



Congress of local and regional authorities

- They talk about local democracy and help to improve local governance.  

- The Congress also monitors local and regional elections in Europe.





Jean-Claude Frécon
European court of human rights
Commission of human rights

- It is an independent institution of the Council of Europe mandated to promote awareness of and respect for human rights

- The commissioner can comment in media meeting civil society and governments.

- The commissioner provides advice guidance on human rights in all 47 member states

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